Supporting innovative social change efforts that engage people in climate solutions and caring for our commons
2022 ValuesAdvisor: A match for investors and values-aligned Financial Advisor. The platform accelerates the flow of money to good, helps investors align their capital with their values, makes it easy to find the best investment professionals while contributing to the preserving integrity of the values investing field.
2021 The Eco-Institute: The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain is an earth sanctuary and learning community dedicated to healing the human-earth relationship as part of the global awakening. They are crafting tomorrow’s story through community resilience, spiritual ecology and permaculture.
2020 Leading Change Network, Inc.: A global community of organizers, educators, and researchers who meet the challenges of democracy by developing the leadership to organize communities which build power and realize the values of equality, solidarity, and dignity.
2019 World Bicycle Relief: Builds bicycles for students and people who access education, healthcare, and jobs. They help people conquer the challenge of distance, achieve independence and thrive. Their very cool, built in country, specially designed bicycles, are easy to repair and durable. So, they last and go long distances on rugged terrain.
2018 ecoAmerica: Expands climate leadership beyond traditional environmental circles. They’re building a diverse network of major institutions and thought leaders in the faith, health, and communities’ sectors who have the power to inspire tens of millions of Americans on climate change, in counties and communities nationwide. They provide strategy, tools and resources to help leaders demonstrate visible climate leadership, empower climate literacy and build collective action and advocacy for significant climate solutions.
2017 Interfaith Power & Light: A religious response to Climate change because the moral voice, the ethical mind, the core messages of God and Allah might make the difference.
2016 DivestInvest Individual: So that individuals can celebrate their pledge to divest from fossil fuels, invest in the world they want to create, and revoke the social license of the fossil fuel industry.
2015 ecoAmerica American Climate Leadership Summit: To bring US associations together to share and learn about climate solutions and inspire action.
2014 Carbon Tracker: Helping Exxon shareholders understand the climate risks to which their investments are exposed.
2013 Movement Generation: Translating “just economy” visions into tangible models that move philanthropy from theory to action.
2012 As You Sow: Holding corporations accountable, day-by-day, shareholder-meeting-by-shareholder-meeting, will change the world.
2011 Hauser Center: Providing Marshall Ganz’s organizing pedagogy to organizers worldwide so they can help their countries and traditions engage in democracy.
2010 Grist: Digestible news on climate—with a smile—is essential for the choir and beyond.
2009 Climate Interactive: The Copenhagen Climate Conference needed a user-friendly climate simulator, C-ROADS, that would show pathways toward climate stabilization.
2008 Dogwood Alliance: To hold Staples accountable for its unsustainable logging in the southern United States.
2007 Catawba Riverkeepers Foundation: The relicensing of Duke Powers hydro on the Catawba required Catawba Riverkeepers’ leadership in the stakeholder process.
2006 Wild Earth Society: To turn the vision of continent-long and continent-wide corridors for migration into practical application.
2005 Sierra Club Foundation: A bottom–up, decision-making process that engaged all groups and chapters was essential in turning toward a climate focus.
Bonwood Social Investments: We invest in engaging people in climate solutions such that they will imagine and build fresh systems that support themselves and each other.
Our Philanthropic Investments: Over the past 20 years, Bonwood Social Investments has invested over $13 million dollars in 200+ organizations in four- to six- figure grants. We fund organizations that are shifting society and investments to climate solutions, run by people we know and trust.
Our Financial Investments: Bonwood investments are fossil-free. We believe that owning fossil fuels today—coal, oil, gas—is akin to owning climate change. These energy sources are a bad financial investment, high risk and morally wrong. We are on a path to invest 100% of our capital assets in companies, organizations and funds that build a healthy future.
Our Grant-making Guidelines: Send comments, ideas, inquiries to: Email
“We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it.”
Bonwood Social Investments: Over the past 20 years, Bonwood Social Investments has invested over $13 million dollars in 200+ organizations in four- to six- figure grants. We fund organizations that are shifting society and investments to climate solutions, run by people we know and trust